
5 Ways to Make a Great First Impression with a New Client

So you’ve scheduled a meeting with a potential client. Now what? Don’t worry, because I have listed five great ways to be proactive before and during your first meeting with a potential client.

  1. Be Prepared You finally have the opportunity to talk about what you do. Be sure to have a polished explanation of how your services can help your potential client. Also, be sure to bring essentials like an information packet or example of your work.
  2. Do Research Once you have a confirmed meeting, learn about the client you will be speaking to. This means, studying their business, industry, and even competition. The more you know about them on the front end, the more you can cater your product to what they need.
  3. Take Notes In the list of essentials to bring to your meeting, add a notebook. The most important way to A) show you are listening and B) customize a service is to pay attention during the initial meeting and take notes.
  4. Dress to Impress Treat this client meeting like an interview. In all fairness, you are trying to get them to hire you for the services or products you offer. This is your time to show off what you know.
  5. Ask Questions Lastly, as part of your preparation and research, create a list of questions that you want to know before the conclusion of your meeting. These may help you make a decision on whether you and the potential customer are a great fit. Remember, you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you.

These five steps are to help you be more confident before stepping into your next client meeting. Feel free to adapt them along the way to work best for you. image credit:


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