Caudle Vet Clinic is a Middle Tennessee veterinary clinic that helps our furry friends get better and stay healthy. Caudle has a variety of services that can help pets and their owners, including a state-of-the-art surgery suite, bath and boarding facility, and an on-site pharmacy. Email marketing is a wonderful way to keep pet owners in the know about all of Caudle’s unique resources while also helping them maintain their pet’s health with friendly tips and advice for care, nutrition, seasonal concerns, and more!
Emails With Substance and Style
Seeing an adorable cat or dog can make everyone’s day light up, so we aim to include the wonderful photos we have from our Caudle photoshoots in our email marketing. When designing email templates, we always aim for styles that are visually appealing while also easy to understand and navigate. We include links to the Caudle Vet Clinic website as well as contact information so that pet owners have multiple ways to reach out to the staff. We also take care to include portraits of Caudle’s friendly staff and clean facilities in our emails, so clients can be familiar with their pet’s caretakers and feel comfortable knowing that whenever their next appointment is, they will be in good hands.
Bit-Sized Advice For Pet Owners
Caudle Vet Clinic is passionate about keeping pets healthy each and every day, so their team loves to share information about pet health whenever possible. In each email, we include highlights from our blogs, which are always on relevant topics. We give advice on keeping pets safe during summer heat, warm during winters, and also include top choices for healthy snacks or gifts! We incorporate these tips in a concise manner so pet owners are aware of how to look out for their pets without being bombarded with information that is difficult to understand. The team at Caudle Veterinary Clinic wishes to support happy and healthy pets even from afar, and these informative pieces do just that.