Time for another installment of Networking Suggestions! Let’s face it, some people seem born for networking. They gracefully manage and work the crowd, seeming to know exactly what to say. People are just drawn to them. Chances are you probably don’t feel like you are one of them. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to developing your networking skills. The truth is, like most things, it takes work and a deeper understanding of your individual personality and communication preferences. I have posted other blogs (archives) with tips for working the crowd, but wanted to share Christina Desmarais’s recently published article in Inc. Magazine. It offers 7 tips for all kinds of networkers, namely, the “…introverts, extroverts and the socially awkward” could benefit from. Some of my favorites: Ask for an introduction. If you try nothing else, pick this one! The power that comes with an introduction works on so many levels. The pressure is off all parties. The suggestion that you two need to connect makes your job much easier. You don’t even have to say it, someone did it for you. Just make sure you back it up! Manage your expectations. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you can’t even make one good connection. You can’t force these things and, like they say “It’s not the quantity; it’s the quality that matters.” Instead, expect Practice empathetic listening. People are more likely to make a connection with you if you let them. Let people feel they are being heard and show you can relate. Be a little vulnerable and you will make it easier for people to remember you. Remember – don’t try to talk through your nervous energy. You will talk through your opportunity to connect. Get out there and Network! Regardless of where you fall on the continuum of inherent networking skill, the bottom line is, networking is important. Important for your business. Important for you. Your business success depends on your ability to foster, develop and maintain lasting relationships. annavija@avmsonline.com
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