If you feel like you have a handle on this whole networking thing, you might be getting a little bored… or, even worse, complacent! It may be time to challenge yourself with the next level of networking. Let’s spice things up a bit! But, don’t forget to keep up on those best practices that got you here in the first place 🙂
- Connecting at seminars or conferences.
Instead of your usual meet and greet type event, choose an event with a seminar or conference-type component that features a high-level guest speaker in your industry. Not only will this potentially introduce you to a new crowd, but you will also have the opportunity to meet the actual speaker. Make this your goal – go up and introduce yourself after the presentation, ask a question, and tell them something you learned or enjoyed about their talk.
- Contribute to online content.
Don’t just have a LinkedIn or Facebook profile. Post content to it! This can work in many ways, whether you are posting original blog content, sharing relevant articles, or commenting on the content of others, make yourself a valuable member of the community. If you find someone you connect with, reach out to them personally and ask to meet for coffee.
- Ask for an introduction.
Don’t underestimate the value of your current circle. Someone you know may know someone you want to know. Asking your friend or colleague for an introduction can create a low-pressure environment for the first meeting. The mere fact that someone has set up the introduction is a positive endorsement of your work ethic, business practices, and character. You won’t have to work as hard to sell yourself!
Ready to get started? Check out sites such as Eventbrite to find local events in your industry. If you need help or guidance getting a start on your online content development or implementing a social media management plan, give us a call at AVMS at 615-348-7768.
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(615) 348-7768
PO Box 160103
Nashville, TN 37216
(615) 348-7768