Social Media 101: Tips for Beginners

From websites and Facebook articles, to advice from a friend or colleague, there is a lot of information out there about how to best optimize your social media. It can be a little overwhelming for those of you just getting started, so I thought we’d take it back to the basics…

Try these simple tips to get started:

  1. Choose which platform(s) are best for you.

Twitter? Facebook? LinkedIn? Pinterest? Start off slow, bite off small chunks to ensure you can reasonably manage and keep up with one platform before you add the next. To know where to start, consider where your audience is: where are they online? What are there expectations? What is of value to them?

  1. Optimize your profile.

Now that you’ve chosen which platform(s) is best for your business, you need to set it up! The key is to be thorough and provide the content your potential customers are looking for. Provide as much as you can – info about your services, hours, contact information, and photos. Remember, this is the point where a potential customer will decide whether or not to contact you, so make it count!

  1. Link your social media to your website. 

This is an important step. Direct and encourage your traffic from your website to your social media sites. While your website is a great place for a LOT of information, getting your customers to connect with you on social media is a good loyalty builder. This is also the place where in the moment and daily updates or special offers can be found that aren’t necessarily website-updating worthy.

For more tips, check out the complete article from Alex Chris.

Give us a call at AVMS at 615-348-7768 for a more detailed review and development of your social media marketing strategy. We’d love to help set you off on the right track!


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Nashville, TN 37216


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PO Box 160103
Nashville, TN 37216


(615) 348-7768



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