Project Management

Marketing Budget-Setting Tips to Remember in Q1 2016

Several months ago I posted a blog about how to set your marketing budget. Now that we’re almost through the first quarter of 2016 (!), it’s time to take a step back and see how you’re doing. Let’s walk back through my original budget-setting tips…

  1. Review your marketing goals.

What were you hoping to accomplish by this point in the year? Looking back at your original goals, consider how they were to be measured. For example, assess where you are with building your email-marketing list, developing your referral partner list, or increasing social media engagement. Are you on track?

  1. Review Q1 financials.

In working towards your marketing goals, how has your bottom line been influenced? Also, have you spent your marketing budget appropriately – not too much, not too little? Take a minute and consider if your ROI is heading in the right direction.

  1. Make any necessary adjustments.

Based on your assessment of your marketing goals and financials, consider where to make any adjustments to your marketing budget. If one of your goals is creating a lot of traction, how can you capitalize on it? Is there an area where you haven’t seen the results you were hoping for? Consider how you can adjust your strategy or direct your energy towards more successful projects.   Need a second set of eyes to comb through your marketing strategy and budget? Give us a call at AVMS at 615-348-7768!


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