Business Development

Think Small to Achieve Big Goals

With our recent rebranding, we decided to emphasize what makes our company stand out. Piccolo means small. In no way is our thinking small; rather, we strive to cater to the needs of our local friends in small business. Over the years, one of the greatest lessons I have learned is to remember to think small on your way to achieving big goals.


You spend all this time developing and working towards your biggest of goals. When things seem to be getting out of control or you have any setbacks along your way, it’s easy to be disheartened. However, this is the perfect time to take a step back and remember the devil is in the details.


To think small…

  1. Review your process. You may be employing your “marketing strategy,” but there’s more to getting a job done than just checking it off your list as complete. Are you using your time efficiently? Are you putting the best person for the job to work? Especially for the things you do all the time that have become second nature, take another look! Believe it or not, this is where you’re most likely to find the opportunity for improvement. 
  1. Schedule your time. One of the best things you can do for your goal-achieving process is to stop setting deadlines. “What?,” you are most definitely asking… Consider how you feel when a deadline comes and goes. Likely, some level of failure and you may even abandon your goal or project altogether. Instead, schedule your time. Specifically, build the act of working towards your goal (or a smaller, short term portion of it) into your day. In this way, it will remain in your focus and you’ll see and be motivated by your progress.
  1. Cross your T’s and dot your I’s. The devil really is in the details. After all, a T that’s not crossed is just an L! And that could get really confusing. Know what your end goal is, but have a solid understanding of all the little pieces and parts that are essential to making your vision come to life. 
  1. Don’t work alone. Whether someone is actually working with you in the trenches or is simply an ear to lean on, it’s important to have someone to bounce your ideas and concerns off of. With your own goals, you are likely too close to it to see if something just doesn’t add up or if you are getting off course. Use your resources to help keep you in check!


Ready to start thinking small? Give us a call at Piccolo Marketing at 615-348-7768 – we’d love to help you achieve your biggest of goals!
