Operational Services & Development

Everyday Workplace Organization You Need to Know

“Start a business…” they said, “it’ll be fun!” Anyone that has started their own business knows that the amount of organization that is required can quickly move past the point of “fun.” While doing what you love everyday is enjoyable, there’s always logistical issues to manage that can encroach on your time. Here’s a quick list of ways that I stay organized within my business.

Good Old-Fashioned Filing

That’s right. Knowing how to appropriately file documents will save you time in the long run. This goes for both printed and computer documents. First and foremost, keep all personal and business documents separate. That said, have a filing cabinet at your office that can house bills, signed documents and legal papers. Anything printed should have a place so that you can locate it easily when needed. Next, organize your computer files. Do not be afraid to have multiple categorized folders. Even better, organize documents within each folder. For example: You may have a folder for Branding. Within that folder you can create separate folders for photos, logos and brand colors. Also, check out Dropbox. It’s a tool that allows you access to your files and photos from any device at any time.

The Social Media Content Calendar

Aha! Your business is booming. Now it’s time to organize your social media presence. Sometimes, it may be challenging to come up with a status update at the moment it’s needed. That’s why I highly recommend using a content calendar. Not only will this help you with daily inspiration, but it will help you plan ahead. There’s just one catch. You have to input the information upfront. Just set aside time each week or month to plan out your social media content and it’ll be less time you spend each day brainstorming. Here’s a free content calendar by Hubspot to get you started.

A Little Tool Called Setmore

If you have more than three meetings a week, I would suggest trying out this free online appointment tool. This is especially helpful for confirming meetings and providing appropriate contact information to your client so that you can be reached if they need to reschedule. It’s also great for people wanting to meet with you that need to check their calendar before setting a time. Just give them the link to your Setmore account and they can sign up for a meeting based on what times you have available. You’ll receive a confirmation email and so will they. It also integrates with your social media and website. Even more helpful is that you both automatically receive a reminder email 24 hours out from the scheduled meeting time. Happy organizing!
