Tips to Help You Create A Successful Mailchimp Email Campaign

Recent studies have shown that for every dollar spent on your email marketing, you will receive a return of over 30 dollars on your investment. Translation: email is one of the most cost-effective methods available today. One of the biggest challenges to using email marketing, is that everyone uses it, and your customers are already inundated with this kind of communication every single day.

So how do you create an email campaign that will stand out from the crowd? Here at Piccolo Marketing, we recommend MailChimp. Here are a few tips to help you build a successful email campaign using MailChimp.

BUILD AN EMAIL LIST AND GO! You will get the best ROI as you build and maintain an engaged subscriber list composed of potential customers who have opted in to receive messages from your business, and MailChimp has built-in tools created expressly for this purpose. Create a signup form on your website, and drive those signups through your social media. You will be able to create compelling messages with your MailChimp account, and share them using their share button and social media post building features. Build your landing page with MailChimp, as well, using your best imagery and content. (NOTE: Never buy an email list! Your emails will be treated like Spam.)

COST EFFECTIVE. The Forever Free option from MailChimp allows you to experiment with all their tools and options, so if you are starting out, this is one less cost you will have to worry about. As long as you have less than 2,000 followers you can stay on this free plan. MailChimp will give you free support, 24/7, as a new user, and as you grow that assistance is still available at a very low cost.

FIELD GUIDE. Using the MailChimp field guide will provide you with everything you need to know to make the best use of the platform. Here you can learn how to create an email marketing plan, design the most effective emails, and even test them. You can move forward with automation and measuring the success of your campaigns.

DESIGN HELP. The MailChimp design guides will help with every facet of this area, including content, templates, color, images, layout, and more. Design is both science and art, and using MailChimp tools will take all the guesswork out of it.

TEST YOUR CAMPAIGN. You can create a test campaign, first choosing the factor that you believe defines that success, whether that is clicks, opens, or earnings. MailChimp collects the results and shows you the most successful factor.

Once you have tested your campaign and its potential success, it’s time to get busy!

With Mailchimp’s campaign builder, you will find it easy to discover the perfect templates for all your messaging, whether you are welcoming new subscribers, notifying your customers of a great value, or wishing someone a happy birthday.

Here at Piccolo. we are here to help you get the word out. Let’s get started!


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